Juvia's Place- The Warrior & The Douce | Swatches

July 7, 2018

After multiple restocks, I was finally able to get my hands on the new Warrior palette from Juvia's, and I went ahead and grabbed The Douce while I was at it because why not. 

Obviously The Warrior palette may not be for everyone, but I'm a girl who gets a ton of use out of my more neutral palettes so I thought this would be a worthy investment (if you can call it that). But much like the rest of my life, things just could not go according to plan once I submitted my order.

(Mini story time in 3...2...1...) So I placed my order at the end of last month and after 8 days or so, after receiving shipping confirmation, I get a notification that my package is out for delivery. Now you already know, your girl is all excited, sitting around waiting for this delivery, counting down the hours and minutes before I can swatch my new children....then they arrive! I quite literally burst open the box, and b.t.w. I'm already ALL the way hyped to rip off that bubble wrap; I start with The Douce, slide her carefully out of her protective sleeve to reveal a beautiful, perfectly intact gem (everything a mother could ask for when seeing her newborn for the first time). I place The Douce to the side and reach for The Warrior unicarton. I take in the gorgeous artistry on the front of the palette (I always look forward to seeing what beautiful design they come up with for each new launch) and then I go ahead and flip my palette open...to reveal 3 smashed shadows!

I almost had a full on heart attack. And I am someone, like many, who absolutely hates having to deal with customer service for any little thing (I rather keep something I hate rather than go through the process of returning it, especially if I bought it online), but I was so devastated that my palette actually showed up trashed; she was BUSTED, CRUSTED, & DUSTED all over my dining table, my body was in shock. And I was so sure there would be no solution because I assumed all sales are final. So I literally rushed to Juvia's website and read through their return policy hoping to find myself a solution. Luckily there was something that could be done for palettes damaged during transit, so I was able to pull it together and reach out to their customer service. Now fast forward to today where I am happy to report that I now own a perfectly intact Warrior AND Douce palette (imagine the relief)! The End. Hope you enjoyed our story time, now back to our regularly scheduled program.

Below you can find swatches of The Warrior and The Douce palettes, as well as comparison swatches from my re-pressed shadows (that arrived shattered) next to the same 3 shades from the replacement palette. As always, photos of my swatches have not been edited or retouched in any capacity. Swatches were photographed using natural daylight against my medium, olive skin, without the aid of artificial lighting, so if you guys are interested in seeing them, then just keep on scrolling! :)

From LEFT to RIGHT: Amina, Idia, Mino, Ahosi, Moremi, Kano, Dahomey, Bakwa, Benin

Damaged palette below with comparison swatches. 

First shade swatched is Moremi from my replacement palette, next to it is Moremi after being re-pressed. Next is Dahomey from my replacement palette, with the re-pressed Dahomey to the right of it. The last swatch is of Bakwa from my replacement palette, next to the re-pressed Bakwa from my damaged Warrior palette.  

The re-pressed shimmers seem to swatch better in my opinion, probably due to the fact that they are so soft to begin with that it makes the shadows apply a bit chunky, so in re-pressing them, it made the shimmers apply much smoother.

From LEFT to RIGHT: Chocolat, Tart, Creme, Macarons, Custard, Puffs, Berry Mousse, Mont Blanc, Crepes
I didn't think I would be this excited to try out The Douce palette, but after seeing it in person and swatching the shadows, I can't wait to play around with this palette (mainly shades Crepes, Macarons, Custard and Creme). I also saw online there was a potential Warrior 2 and Warrior 3 collection (and the packaging looks DOPPPEEE) in the works; I haven't even used the first one but I'm already hyped to see what else is on the way!

Have any of you heard about the extension of The Warrior collection by Juvia's? More importantly, have you SEEN the alleged packaging? Are you hyped (because you already know I am)? Or are you over all these makeup company releases (lol)? I'm always curious to know your thoughts so be sure to let me know! 


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