Juvia's Place- The Zulu Palette | Swatches

February 1, 2018

For those of you who may not be aware, I went a bit overboard on Black Friday and purchased loads of new makeup goodies (click HERE to see what I bought). And in true Hannah fashion, I am only now getting around to posting my swatches. 

I chose to swatch The Zulu palette by Juvia's Place first because I was most excited about the gorgeous colour selection in this beauty. As usual, photos of the actual swatches have not been retouched or enhanced in any way. Swatches were photographed in natural daylight against my medium, olive skin (it's winter y'all, my Caucasian side is showing) without the aid of any daylight bulbs or artificial lighting. Shadows were swatched from left to right, beginning with the first row and ending with the third row. 

As you can see from my swatches, the very first row of eyeshadows seemed to swatch the poorest- these 3 shadows in particular seem to be a bit patchy, with the texture appearing to be slightly "crumbly" in comparison to the other shadows. But you can't always judge an eyeshadow based on its swatch. Some shadows can swatch horribly but still perform phenomenally, so it is only fair to judge this palette based on how she performs on the lid.

I will definitely be putting these shadows to the test, so stay tuned for a tutorial and proper review using The Zulu palette. If you would like to be notified when I upload that post, you can simply Subscribe to my blog by entering your email address in the "Subscribe for updates" section in the column to your right!

Well that just about wraps this post up! If any of you already own The Zulu palette, let me know what your thoughts are on the performance of the shadows. What are your favourite shadows from the palette? I'd love to know!


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