Trying French Snacks

November 1, 2017

Hi darlings! I am definitely one to try new things in the food realm; I'm always down to try something at least once! And of course, this sentiment extends to the "snack world" as well. I love trying little goodies from around the world because it's always interesting to see what people in different regions grew up munching on.

Personally, I tend to gravitate towards more savory options, but I like to have my fair share of sweets now and again. And of course, growing up there was an abundance of sugary candies and chocolates, but I actually really just enjoyed a nice bag of crisps or (my favourite) tamarind candies! Because many of the snacks available to us were imported from all around the world, I'm actually quite familiar with loads of Mexican (and a lot of Latin American) treats, some Turkish (Middle Eastern, in general) cookies and chocolates, loads of British goodies, and of course an assortment of Asian snacks thrown in for good measure.

So naturally, I am always eager when I get the opportunity to try snacks from a region I'm not very familiar with (in terms of cuisine), and today's pick happen to come from (drum roll please...) FRANCE!

I've gone ahead and filmed a little video trying all of these French snacks, so if you'd like to see my initial reaction to, and thoughts on each treat, you can go ahead and click the video linked below (I also go ahead and describe their texture and the flavours, comparing them to other snacks you may know or have tried). I'll also just pop my *very* general thoughts on each snack down below if you guys just wanted the "Sparknotes" version!

Also, do let me know if any of you have tried any of these snacks before! Or if you happen to be French, what were/are your favourite French treats? What should I try next?



BN (à la Pulpe de Fraise)

- ugh, my absolute favourite!
- reminds me of these

GAVOTTES (Crêpe Dentelle- Chocolat au lait)

- unexpected texture, but delightful!


- exactly what I expected
- solid option for any "chocolate biscuit" cravings

PRINCE Goût Chocolat

- surprised by the texture of the biscuit (not very cookie-like)
- very delicious

TUC Goût Bacon

- surprisingly delightful 
- would be a nice grab-and-go snack
- didn't expect the bacon flavour, but overall, enjoyable!


- probably extremely popular with kids (maybe that's why I like them so much)
- similar in texture to many puffed corn snacks you may already know
- enjoyed this one very much

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