Mud Volcanoes and Mini Road Trip

August 4, 2015 Devils Woodyard, Trinidad

Last Saturday, my family and I took a trip down to Devil's Woodyard to scope out a few of Trinidad's famous mud volcanoes. Though the name may suggest an invitation of grand horror, these active mini mud craters are no where near terrifying. 

For starters, I've never seen a mud volcano, so I wasn't entirely sure what to expect. There were tons of little mounds and pools scattered about, oozing or filled with steaming hot mud. It was a bit of a maze to navigate through at certain points, but I was intrigued nonetheless.

At first, I thought there was some sort of swampy pool randomly plopped into the mix, but when I got a closer look I realised it was actually all mud. 

And then (of course), I couldn't resist one or two scenic shots (that had absolutely nothing to do with mud or volcanoes of any kind).

We didn't spend too long of a time at Devil's Woodyard because we had planned to hit up a couple beaches on our way back. Our first stop was Mayaro Bay. We took a "side street" that led us down a narrow little path where we parked, so we could just walk on out to the shore (pretty stellar idea considering the view).

There was no one in sight (well as far as my four eyes could see), so we practically had the beach to ourselves.

I was quite fascinated by this "staff" planted in the sand.
It gave off a "tribe leader" vibe.

I stole a couple shells to add to my collection.
On every vacation I always take back a handful with me.

From Mayaro we headed towards Manzanilla, but of course, we had to pick up some future dinner on the way. 

We ended up having to create a makeshift cooler to keep the fish from spoiling until we got home. By makeshift cooler I mean we bagged the fish, then placed it in a larger bag that was half filled with ice, then into a box with several other half filled bags of ice (in case you were wondering). Genius, I know (jokes).

Makeshift cooler and all, we were off again, this time headed towards Manzanilla. Along the way I snapped a few pictures and (not gonna lie) I'm quite impressed with myself. To get these shots from inside a moving vehicle, not too shabby Hannah.

From here it was a straight drive home. I didn't do much apart from eat, enjoy the view and love on my camera, but I was still exhausted by the end of the day. I couldn't wait to crawl into my bed!

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