Orchid Extravaganza

July 22, 2015

Hello again my little Schwans. Today (well for me, it's currently 3:00am as my little fingers are busy catching a mini-cramp),  I've decided to share a few snapshots I managed to steal of some incredibly beautiful orchids, with two or three other beauties thrown in for good measure. Orchids have always been my favourite flowers ever since I can remember (ya girl would rather orchids over roses any day), so when I found myself surrounded by so many of them, I couldn't resist the urge to use my savvy iPhone photography skills. 

So without further ado, I present to you... perfection 
(It would've been pretty cool if I somehow managed to know the names of each of these... but I do not, so we'll just stick to "orchid #1"... "orchid #2"... and so on and so forth tralalala!)

And here lie the "two or three other beauties" I mentioned earlier.
It's more like 4, but let's just overlook that minor detail, shall we. 


Are we as a flock even slightly impressed with my newfound re-commitment to this blog?
No? Maybe? Oh, you didn't even notice?
It's okay. I don't blame you. We'll see how long this lasts.
*crosses fingers*

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